Illinois stands indivisible against campaigns of hate. We work together to resist oppression and protect fundamental rights. We insist our elected officials fulfill their responsibility to represent us.
Illinois stands indivisible against campaigns of hate. We work together to resist oppression and protect fundamental rights. We insist our elected officials fulfill their responsibility to represent us.
Indivisible Illinois empowers local progressive groups by uniting and amplifying voices through networks, resources, and public platforms in pursuit of liberty and justice for all.
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
We encourage the positive recognition of differences, regardless of identity, background, or political party. We not only include those from diverse backgrounds, we seek out their participation and welcome their voices.
We promote an environment of tolerance and fairness. We find common ground, honor good intentions, lift each other up, and work together to allow space for dissent while pursuing a shared goal. Ideas are welcomed and group participation in decision making is essential.
We channel our immense passion and fierce drive into constructive actions, respecting personal safety and property.