In indivisible Illinois, Indivisible Illinois Updates, Truth Brigade


Indivisible Illinois is co-hosting a special statewide meeting along with Indivisible Evanston, Indivisible Western Front and Truth Brigade Illinois. The meeting will focus on fighting disinformation with effective messaging, something that is more critical than ever.   We are looking forward to a rigorous and informative meeting with our featured speaker Anat Shenker-Osorio. A messaging and communications expert, Anat is the host of the Words to Win By podcast (which unpacks how real-world narrative shifts lead to real-world victories), author of Don’t Buy It: The Trouble with Talking Nonsense About the Economy, and is a co-host of the Freedom Rising movement briefings. She has led research into how to persuade and mobilize on issues ranging from tackling right-wing race baiting to promoting clean energy and from honoring the rights of immigrants to reforming criminal justice. Her talk will focus on the best ways to fight disinformation and will also address why certain messages falter where others deliver.


We’ll also hear from local organizers on how to fight disinformation and promote the truth with Indivisible’s Truth Brigade Illinois and the Conservative Talk Radio Project.


The meeting will be held on Zoom January 12, 7:30-9:00 pm. Registration is required. Register here.


For More info on Anat Shenker-Osorio : 


To Join Truth Brigade Illinois, Sign up here.


Join Truth Brigade Illinois Facebook page here.


Check out the Truth Brigade Illinois  Welcome Document.


Truth Brigade Illinois next meeting Feb 1 –  registration here.


Join Indivisible  National Truth Brigade.


Freedom Rising Movement Briefing: 

Next briefing January 19th 2:00 Central Sign Up. 



Etta Worthington or Candace Davis

 [email protected]

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