Linocut by By Eileen Jimenez
Abolition Sunday, June 13, 2021
The United States is the world’s leader in incarceration.
“There are 2.2 million people in the nation’s prisons and jails—a 500% increase over the last 40 years, despite increasing evidence that large-scale incarceration is not an effective means of achieving public safety.” – The Sentencing Project
Approx times:
1 min: Watch Mary Hooks, “What is the Prison Industrial Complex?”
4 min: Watch Angela Davis, “The Shifting Concept of the Prison Industrial Complex”
3 min: Watch Ruth Wilson Gilmore, “When the Prison Industrial Complex Masquerades as Social Welfare”
30 min: Read Eve Goldberg and Linda Evans, “The Prison Industrial Complex and the Global Economy”
6 min: Read Mia Armstrong, “Here’s Why Abolishing Private Prisons Isn’t a Silver Bullet”
45 min: View Chart: Mass Incarceration and more data visualizations on current prisons and policing at the Prison Policy Initiative
10 min: Read: Livia Luan, “Profiting from Enforcement: The Role of Private Prisons in U.S. Immigration Detention”
I also HIGHLY recommend:
- Interview with Brett Story, filmmaker “The Prison in 12 Landscapes” https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=BbC3ZskZqIQ If you have Amazon Prime, you can rent the film for $4.99 here: https://www.amazon.com/ Prison-Twelve-Landscapes- Brett-Story/dp/B07M659LRB
Also current campaign illustrating how to carceral system’s revolving door is perpetuated and call to action:
- People versus Mark Clements
- Graphic to download and share to demand Kim Foxx drop charges against Mark Clements, survivor of police torture