Indivisible Illinois will be using an online voter registration tool that you can use to do voter registration both in-person in your community and by sharing online. We will explain what this tool is and review step-by-step how to make the most of it. The tool may be found at
*For voter registration guidance outside of Illinois, please go to
Voter Registration Tool Overview
Indivisible Illinois is working with TurboVote to offer an online tool that supports voter registration efforts across all 50 states. This tool allows constituents request absentee ballots and register to vote. In the states that allow online voter registration, the tool pushes registrants through the entire process to register to vote online.
As an Indivisible group member, you can send this tool to friends and family, promote on social media, and, of course, go out in your community to register voters in person. So, why use TurboVote?
Easy to use. TurboVote will walk new registrants through the entire registration process — and at the end they will be registered to vote (or just have to mail in their completed registration). It’s that simple!
No forms, no problem. When registering voters with paper forms, volunteers need to keep track of a lot of forms. Not to mention, there’s significant liability that comes along with doing voter registration on paper — once you register a voter, you become responsible for making sure their registration form is handed in (and in compliance with state laws). Some conservative state governments have significantly ratcheted up the penalties for turning in paper forms late as a way to discourage voter registration. This tool does all that work for you.
Registration is always complete and legible. It may seem trivial, but one of the big challenges of doing voter registration is making sure that registration forms are complete and easy to read. New registrants won’t be able to go to the next step without completing all the necessary fields and their answers will always be legible.
More than voter registration. This tool goes beyond voter registration. Voters can use it to apply for absentee ballots. The system will also send everyone who registers an automatic reminder when elections are coming up! Additionally, Indivisible will be able to keep track of the folks that groups register and make sure that they’re contacted in the lead up to elections.
Important notes: TurboVote requires internet access and a smartphone, tablet or computer to register. While we highly recommend Indivisible groups use this tool in place of paper forms, we recognize that these resources are not accessible to all groups or group members. If the only option for your community is to do registration with paper registration forms, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with Illinois state laws about voter registration (including requirements to do registration, eligibility to vote, deadlines to turn in registration forms and more). You can check in with the Illinois State Board of Elections to start learning.