We Want Voting Rights
Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
Date: Monday, January 17, 2022
Time: 9am – NOON CT
Location: ZOOM
In solidarity with the family of Martin Luther King Jr., on Martin Luther King Day, Monday, January 17th, 2022, Indivisible groups in Illinois are participating in the day of action by hosting a Social Media Blitz focusing on demanding voting rights legislation and access to the ballot box. We are demanding that our elected officials pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, without letting outdated Senate loopholes get in the way.
Use this toolkit and join us on Zoom for the Social Media Blitz.
As Dr. King taught us, whatever our color, background or zip code, every American should have equal freedom to vote and equal say in decisions that impact our lives.
Throughout our history, guided by leaders like Dr. King, we have fought to ensure more Americans have our freedom to vote honored and that every American is able to cast our vote and have it counted.
But a handful of politicians are inflicting the same injustice that the Civil Rights Movement fought so valiantly to address, by making it harder to vote and creating barriers to register for Black, young and new Americans in order to hold power and rule for the wealthy few.
On a day of service that honors Dr. King’s dream of justice for all, Congress has an opportunity to restore, protect, and build upon Dr. King’s legacy.
As he said, “voting is the foundation stone for political action.”
Our Senate leaders must exercise their majority, eliminate the filibuster, and pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act to ensure that we can safely and freely cast our ballots, ensure that trusted local election officials count every vote, and prevent partisan politicians from sabotaging the results of our elections.
Join Indivisibles across Illinois to make our voices heard. #WeWantVotingRights now!